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Certifications & Training

A lot of education and training that people with ADHD or Autism have is self-taught. However, any time that we desire to be able to express that, certifications, diplomas, and training documentation. As an ADHD Life Coach, I believe it is important to have transparency on my career, training, and how I am furthering my education. 


My Early Career

Like many people with ADHD, early on, from 2000 to 2005, I found myself jumping from job to job. However, in 2006, I found project management, and as I learned more about it, I discovered freelance, short-term project management, which was ideal for my style of work

I enjoyed this time frame, and I found success in each of these positions. So, I decided that, instead of fighting my nature, I embraced it, and this started a rewarding career in freelance project management for the next decade.


But in 2016, after years of ignoring my mental health, I had a mental breakdown. At the beginning of 2018, I developed crippling fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue and had to retire at the end of 2018.

Being a Stay-at-Home Father

This event caused me to feel that my world had ended. How could I be a good husband to my wife if I couldn't be a good provider? I had fallen into that trap that so many of us men do, wrapping my sense of self-worth based on being a provider. 


However, in January 2019, everything changed - we found out my wife was pregnant with twins! While initially scared because of my feelings of failure as a provider, my wife encouraged me to embrace a new role as a stay-at-home father, and she helped me change my mindset around my ideals of what success looks like. 


My twins arrived at only 27 weeks, nearly 3 months premature. Those first months with their health uncertainties were agonizing. But my wife remained stalwart in her support and continued encouraging me and helping me focus. The health of my family became my number one priority.


After 80 long days in the NICU, we finally brought our twins home. Though not without health challenges, they continue to grow stronger. My perspective forever changed on what mattered most.

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Creating Order From Chaos

Over time, with the twins now approaching their first birthday, my wife and I realized that I had gotten healthy enough to work.


However, the corporate world was still no longer an option for me; my health just could not put up with the stress. And while I had redefined my concept of success away from being just a provider, I still wanted to contribute financially in a way suited to our needs.


This led me to leverage my project management mindset and the myriad of skills I had gained in the corporate world to launch a consulting business in early 2020 - Creating Order From Chaos was born, and I discovered that being an entrepreneur allowed me the flexibility I required while also pursuing meaningful work.


COFC enables me to deliver services like:

  • Project Management

  • Business Management

  • Website Design

  • Public Speaking


Like so many neurodivergent people, I found success in entrepreneurship. My work-life balance vastly improved.


But something was still missing...

Life Coaching & ADHD Life Coaching

After a year in the consultancy business, at the end of 2020, after a lot of soul-searching and working with a business coach,  I determined that I wanted to explore Life Coaching. 


Why? Because of my passion for helping people find their best selves.


In every leadership role I have ever had, I have always enjoyed coaching and helping my employees live authentically. 


Understanding this, my business coach referred me to the Life Coach Training Institute. A few months later, I became a part of their amazing community and a certified Life Coach. 


This career met many of my needs; however, something was still missing, my life with ADHD led me to eventually get my certification in ADHD Coaching from the  IPHM Certified Excellence Program.  I also earned an additional certification as an ADHD Professional (ADHD-CCSP) through PESI.

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Where Did ADHD Come In?

Let’s rewind a bit. Growing up, I never knew that I lived with ADHD or Autism. In fact, I didn’t start learning about ADHD until I was 30 when I was trying to learn how to help my oldest son, whose teacher suspected that he had ADHD. 


I was blown away; I saw so much of myself when I read about ADHD. However, it would take me 2 years to realize that I had ADHD. Two years to understand the reason why I felt so different from my family and peers. Two years to realize that my struggles weren't me being lazy or being a failure, but because of the differences in my brain. 


The thing is, ADHD captivated me; the brain and how it works fascinated me. However, the more I learned, the more I saw the struggles that we lived with, not just because of ADHD or Autism but because of how the world treats neurodivergent people. 


And it got worse when I started to try to get diagnosed. Doctor after doctor would turn me away. From trained professionals, I was told: "Adults don't have ADHD." or  "You probably have Depression/Bipolar, etc." But none of that fit, nor did the treatments or therapies.


Finally, I had had enough. I found a doctor who specialized in ADHD and neurodivergence, and they actually listened to me. However, I was in for an even bigger surprise. Not only did I have ADHD, but I was also on the Autism spectrum. So many years wasted, going from doctor to doctor, dealing with crippling side effects from medications for mental health issues that I didn’t have. 


And I am not the only person who has dealt with this problem... This realization was not just a turning point for me personally but also a call to action. It illuminated a path forward, a mission to ensure others wouldn't face this journey alone.

The Path Forward

That last piece of the puzzle became the catalyst that I needed, the impetus to take this knowledge of ADHD I had learned over a decade of research and use it to fuel a passion to help those find the support and help I never had. 


I pivoted my business to focus specifically on ADHD and AuDHD (dual-diagnosed Autism/ADHD), dedicating myself to supporting neurodivergent adults in finding their authenticity in life, relationships, and careers. 


My journey into one-on-one and group coaching, public speaking, and corporate facilitation began, aimed at supporting neurodivergent people in their lives and educating people and companies on the needs of neurodivergent individuals at home and in the workplace. 


My advocacy efforts were recognized, leading to invitations to join the Board of Directors of the Inattentive ADHD Coalition and to co-found the Men’s ADHD Support Group nonprofit with Marc Almodovar, which is aimed at providing a safe space for neurodivergent men to share their experiences, find support and resources for managing their ADHD. 


As my voice grew stronger, so did my impact. Podcast appearances,  speaking engagements at the International ADHD Conference, and the launch of a new project, Dueling Minds, the brainchild of Michael Ruffin and his team, a nonprofit dedicated to giving those with AuDHD the support and resources they desperately need. These initiatives have all marked my journey from discovery to advocacy.


In bridging the gap between personal struggle and professional purpose, I’ve embraced the mission to illuminate the path for others, just as I navigated my own way through the fog of late diagnosis to a place of understanding and empowerment.


Now, what is in the future for me? I have no idea, but I know that I will continue to work to be a great husband and father and use my voice and my passion to help those who live with ADHD/AuDHD find their happiness and educate the masses about the power of neurodiversity. 

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